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Building a future for Realities of Unity to rise….

Resources for building a world where realities of unity are the dominant reality. Since "reality" is can be seen as merely what we hold it to be, I pay attention within a framework of Realities of Unity and within that-- vitality, connection, wholeness and Love.  I plant my seeds of attention, care, nurturing and resilience there. It can feel like an act of resistance in a world that fosters separation, hierarchy, either/or, power over and lack of care for self, others, the natural world and our planet. I work very hard to carefully track and register what generates life and what has us exist as whole.  The tenants of Realities of Unity are: Everything has a place.  Everything operates on behalf of everything else.  Everything is always moving to the next greater whole and Everything is part of everything else.

Resources within this framework:

My Journey with Vitality- framework of Vitality Medicine

The Wisdom of Self CheckIn

What Healing means to me— Healing as Establishment in Self

I carry the Weight of the world on my shoulders— from Atlas to Axis

OS Love

Fuel Sources for Optimal Cellular Vitality— Vitality Blood Markers

On Uncertain Times, Stress Responses and the Rising of our own Intelligence

Your Body as Ally

Changing from the Inside Out

Empathic Discernment

Train your Mind- Vipassana Meditation

Fuel Sources for Optimal Vitality
The Through Line with Mark Dubois

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Vitality medicine Mighty Networks

This is Dr. Heather Hunt DC’s private membership site. It has a social media format but is completely private. It is a place where Dr. Heather shares her latest articles, thoughts and ideas. The intent is to create a space for a new model of healing to rise. Please join if you feel called….

More info:

Welcome to my online membership re-source program for the co-creation of new models of Healing and Wholeness.  After being in practice nearly twelve years, I have learned/tracked/observed /catalogued so much and now is the time to begin sharing it on behalf of the re-establishment of Vibrant Health.  Vitality is my goal in life, both in my own body, in my relationships and in our world.  And so I invite you to join me in being part of a community to create a new model of healing.  A model based in wholeness, sufficiency, the body as a miracle, connection, empathy as a strength, and Healing as establishment in Self.   

The membership is critical because how to move this model forward is to create magic through the synergy of community and sharing.  I work every day to help people move into their own vibrant health, and I am ready for help. By me opening up into a larger platform with vulnerability and transparency, an opportunity for global change becomes more real.  And since we are all connected, let’s be active in this connection and feed the field of this new model of healing.  Co-create.  Stay connected.  Feed unity.  Live Love.  Embody who we came to this planet to be.  Have what is ours to have.  Do what is ours to do.

The membership is free.